Most popular Q & A's

Below are just some of our most frequently asked questions & answers

How does Hire My Van Work ?

Renting a van

Sign Up

Sign up for Hire My Van with your email. We’ll confirm your identity so you can go explore Vans to rent

Find the perfect Van

Enter the Van you’re looking for and Location to search through our vast selection of unique locally owned Vans.

Check Availability

Make sure the Van is available on the dates you require on the Calendar

Book It

Book the Van you’re looking for. The owner will confirm or decline your rental within eight hours, but typically it’s much sooner. Then simply arrange all necessary details direct with the owner


Don’t forget to leave the Van and owner a review after your rental to help all future renters.

Listing a van

Create a free listing with a few clicks. Describe your Van, upload some clean photos, and you’re ready to go. Be sure to keep your calendar up to date so travellers know when your Van is available.

Respond to requests

You’ll get notified when someone requests, or books your Van instantly. Confirm or decline the trip as soon as possible.

Confirm booking and arrange

Confirm all necessary details direct with the Van renter.

Kick Back and earn

What happens if my Van is damaged during a rental? ?

In the unlikely event of an accident you will need to consult with your insurance provider

What if the renter gets a ticket while driving my Van? ?

The Renter is responsible for any fines and or tickets they incur during the rental period. If you receive a notification from the authorities you should notify the Renter and forward us the ticket. Please inform us of any penalties as soon as they are issued to you.

Trust and Safety ?

All renters are pre-verified before they can make a request and owners before they can list their Van. Please remember to follow these guidelines to help you stay safe and have a great rental experience:

  • Make sure the renter/owner has uploaded a photograph of themselves so you know who you’re meeting
  • Arrange to meet in a well lit, public space and let someone know where you have gone
  • Please flag inappropriate messages with Hire My Van support team –
  • Contact Hire My Van support team – if you have any questions or worries during the rental